Tower Of God Chapter 610 Spoiler Raw Scan

Tower Of God Chapter 610 is an installment of a Korean manhwa series. Picture yourself being transported into the enthralling story of Tower Of God, a captivating tale that encompasses elements such as passion, determination, and the desire for freedom.

Step into Chapter 610, where the storyline becomes more complex and our characters encounter fresh obstacles and successes.

This blog post will explore the complex elements, moving moments, and surprising turns that lie ahead in this chapter. It will give you a preview of an engaging narrative that will leave you wanting to know what happens next.

Spoiler for Chapter 610 of Tower of God

In the chapter’s opening, White initiated his ultimate attack, known as the White Magnolia Sword. This massive blade possesses the ability to effortlessly cut through any substance. He used it against Baam while holding an orb and thorn. However, the tremendous force and speed behind White’s assault proved to be too much for Baam. As a result, he was soundly defeated, which led White to taunt Baam for his lack of strength and naivety.

Baam was told by White that he would never be capable of overpowering him or rescuing his friends.

Baam demonstrated his determination by using his second thorn to boost his physical power and ability to control shinsu. He utilized the Red Thryssa Horn to transform, growing a horn on his head. Then, he unleashed his devastating attack, the Orb – Inferno strike, which collided with White’s strike, resulting in a massive explosion that shook the whole area and caused extensive damage.

Simultaneously, Karaka and Dowon confronted the Lo Po Bia Family’s army in battle from the other side of the wall.

Karaka harnessed his power from the World of Darkness and summoned a variety of dark creatures that were capable of absorbing and breaking down any material. Dowon, on the other hand, utilized her Flower Garden tactic which involved creating tendrils that could entangle enemies. Additionally, she also used tendrils that were capable of capturing and piercing her adversaries.

Regrettably, despite their best efforts, the attackers were not deterred by the collective actions and instead the defenders found themselves overwhelmed and at a disadvantage.

Upon hearing a loud disturbance from the opposite side of the barrier, they swiftly identified it as the showdown between Baam and White. They pondered over the potential victor and clung onto the hope for Baam’s survival. Furthermore, they observed the emergence of cracks in the wall, contemplating if it could potentially crumble in the near future.

Both Baam and White were left exhausted and injured after engaging in intense attacks against each other, resulting in bruises and bloodied bodies from the confrontation.

As they glared at each other, both of them experienced a mix of hatred and admiration. White was surprised by Baam’s power and praised his skillful use of the dual-thorned technique. He also showed curiosity about Baam’s origins and asked about his true identity.

Tower Of God Chapter 610 Release Date

Chapter 610 will be available on Feb 11, 2024. It will be released at 12.00 am JST, which is equivalent to 8.30 pm JST on Feb 10, 2024 in IST. The official website releases new chapters on a weekly basis.

The global time zone for Tower of God Chapter 610.

  • Japan Standard Time: 9:30 PM
  • Eastern European Summer Time is currently 3:30 AM.
  • Pacific Daylight Time: 9 AM
  • Eastern Daylight Time: 12 Noon
  • Central Daylight Time: 11 AM
  • British Summer Time: 5 PM
  • Korea Standard Time: 9:30 PM
  • Eastern Standard Time: 8 AM
  • India Standard Time: 11:30 PM
  • Australian Eastern Time: 11:30 AM
  • Washington DC: 08:30 PM
  • New York, NY USA: 08:00 AM
  • Singapore Time: 11:30 PM

The expected date for the release of Tower of God Chapter 610

The spoiler and unedited version of Tower of God Chapter 610 will be available shortly. There is currently no official information regarding Chapter 610. However, we can speculate that it will be released three to four days prior to the scheduled release date.

The Raw Scan will be completed on February 8, 2024, at 8:30 p.m. JST or 7:30 a.m. IST.

Tower Of God Chapter 609 Recap

His initial weapon was a sword that had a white hilt and a red blade, which he christened as “Colorless December.”

He explicitly stated his readiness to give up everything, even his own life, in order to acquire possession of this sword.

He made a promise to demonstrate the full power of his sword to Bam, with the intention of making Bam regret ever challenging him.

Bam countered with his blade after using his orb and two

On the other hand, White possessed a swift and mighty sword that effortlessly sliced through Bam’s armor, striking him directly in the chest.

After collapsing onto the floor, Bam was experiencing massive blood loss due to his critical wounds. With a grin on his face, White proudly declared his victory and revealed his intention of enhancing his own power by absorbing Bam’s inner vitality.

However, as he approached Bam, he noticed that Bam was wide awake and had an object in his hand. Gustang had entrusted Bam with the third fragment of the thorn.

Bam had not yet acquired it because he was uncertain about his ability to control it. However, he was left with no other option but to utilize it now, as it was his final option.

White was astonished by Bam’s physical prowess and unwavering resolve as he rose to his feet. In response, Bam directed his words to White.

He became aware of the three obstacles posed by Bam and how they put his dreams at risk. Determined to overcome them, he resolved to unleash his full strength and employ the White Style: Spirit Sword, his ultimate mastery of sword fighting.

He declared that this technique would deplete Bam’s life essence, asserting it to be the pinnacle of his sword skills.

Where To Read Tower Of God Chapter 610?

There are several legitimate sources where fans of the manhwa series “Tower of God” can access the latest chapters and read the authorized translations.

If you want to read Tower of God Chapter 610 in this blog post, the best platform to check out is Webtoon.

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